Saturday 15 August 2020


Get Your FREE Guide to Going Freelance

All the resources you need to transition into full-time freelance!

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Since I began freelancing just over a year ago, I’ve had the opportunity to work with nearly a dozen high-growth startups and world-class experts. What’s more is that I’ve never had to negotiate for the premium prices I charge for my content marketing services.

Because I’ve done such an effective job of defining my value propositions, branding myself as an expert within my field, and getting my content in front of new target audiences, I now have a 3–6 month waiting list for new freelance clients.

However, that certainly didn’t happen overnight. My rapid success in the world of freelancing is the result of a LOT of strategic positioning, hours of hard work, and good timing.

If you’re ready to get serious about freelancing and multiplying your self-employed income, here are my top twelve tips for earning more during your first year.

And don’t forget to download Skillcrush’s free book, The Ultimate Guide to Going Freelance. You’ll find tips for learning the tech skills you need to get started, strategies for adopting “the freelance mindset,” plus tricks for building a “career safety net” before quitting your day job.

1. Choose a Niche

If you’re new to freelancing, you might feel ready to take ANY paid work you can get your hands on. But as you get deeper into your freelancing career, you’ll need to start being more strategic about the types of work you do and the clients you take.

Because when you specialized, you become an expert in a specific field, and experts can charge more for their specialized services.

In my opinion, the age-old debate of whether you should be a specialist or a generalist when starting your freelance career isn’t even worth thinking twice about. If you were your client and you needed someone to fix your email marketing so people actually sign up, write ads that convince people to buy, or just update your outdated website, would you rather hire someone who’s a jack of all trades, or a person who’s a pro at doing one thing and doing it well? I’ll choose the specialist every time.

And when it comes to my own experience, choosing to specialise as a content marketing consultant—as opposed to being a general digital marketer for hire—has been the single best decision I’ve made with my freelance business. Because I’ve built my reputation with clients as a talented content marketer over the past few years and frequently engage with content marketing content on various social media channels, I’ve been able to rise to the top of my niche in a relatively short period of time. This is one of my favorite takeaways from Becoming a Successful Freelancer over on CreativeLive.

Aside from my blog and existing client referrals, the next most consistent source of new clients has been from business owners seeking out specific expert help through both Google and social searches like the one above from Twitter.

So to expand this example to other fields, imagine you are just starting out as a web developer—you can get into a niche like migrating blogs to WordPress. That means when someone searches for “help with migrating a blog to WordPress,” they can find you.

If you choose the right niche, deciding to specialize and putting some effort into branding yourself as an expert within your niche can really pay off for years to come.

2. Get Clear on Your Service Offerings

One major decision you need to make early on in your freelance career is what you do and what you don’t do.

The more specific you can be about what services you offer, the better. Not only will it help you brand yourself, it’ll allow you to control how potential clients perceive you and give you the opportunity to continue building your portfolio in the direction you want to move in.

If you want to focus on becoming a sought after, highly paid Ruby on Rails developer, then you shouldn’t even consider contract offers for customizing WordPress themes or designing the user experience for an upcoming app. While the short-term benefits of steady work are tempting (and sometimes necessary), taking on projects that aren’t getting you closer to your ultimate goal of becoming the best in your field, will only distract and delay you from making meaningful progress.

3. Define What Your Ideal Client Looks Like

Before you can go out and start looking for clients, you’ll need to develop a clear picture of who you’re going to work best with. Do you want to build websites for small business owners, pitch in on new feature development for high growth technology startups, or take on longer-term contracts with enterprise-sized companies? Making these clear distinctions between who and what type of business you’re targeting will be essential to effectively pitching your services.

To define exactly who your ideal freelance clients should be (and how to start finding them), ask yourself these questions:

What type of business has the problems I’m solving with my services?Can the business I want to work with afford to hire me?What demographic trends can I identify about the decision makers in the types of businesses I’m targeting? Think: age, gender, geographic location, websites they frequent, and their personal interests.

Because I know that I’ll be more engaged and work most effectively with smaller startup teams who are working on projects I can personally relate to, I’ve proactively chosen to make my scope of potential clients narrow. By working with similar startup teams, new potential clients I target within my niche are able to instantly relate with me, and have confidence that I’ll be able to replicate my results for their business, too.

Picking your niche and making yourself stand out is one of the core principles covered in CreativeLive’s Essential Guide to Launching a Freelance Career.

4. Create a High Quality Portfolio Site

It goes without saying that one of the best ways to demonstrate your technical skills is by having an amazing portfolio site of your own. If you want to be taken seriously as a new freelancer, you’re going to need a website that:

Showcases your expertise.Highlights relevant past experiences.Shows who you are.Includes your contact information so that potential clients can easily find you.

Plus, a stellar portfolio can really help you out if you don’t have a lot of job experience to prove that you know your stuff. (Read more about that here: How to Get Hired in Tech With No Experience.)

The purpose of your portfolio is to educate, spark interest, and convince potential clients that they’ll want to choose you for their technical needs. That’s why it’s worth investing time into deciding what to feature on your portfolio and how it’s being displayed—before you start looking for new projects.

Once your portfolio site is up, start including a link to the site within your email signature and on your social profiles.

5. Start Freelancing Before Your Quit Your Day Job

I’m a huge an of starting a freelance business while you keep your day job, as opposed to immediately pursuing self-employment.

In addition to the fact that creating a high-quality portfolio website, building your personal brand, and adding to your portfolio naturally takes a good amount of time, it’s a good idea to have a few steady freelance clients on your roster before axing your sole source of income.

I recommend growing your side income to at least 50–75% of your total current income before leaving your full-time job, depending on your risk tolerance.

Managing a tight schedule, heavy workload (including demanding freelance projects), and being responsible for client deliverables with limited time resources will teach you quickly what it’s like to run your own business.

The other awesome benefit of picking up freelance clients while you’re still working full-time is that you can be selective. You likely don’t absolutely need the money. This puts you in a position to turn down work that either doesn’t pay enough to justify your time investment, or that you’re not genuinely interested in.

These are two points you’ll need to be a stickler about if you want to be happy once you’re freelancing full-time.

6. Level Up Your Skills

The best way to justify higher rates? Make sure you have impressive skills that are in high demand.

Practice using your new skills by building the types of projects that you want to eventually be paid to work on. Whether that’s WordPress websites, mobile apps, or something else entirely, the more you can differentiate yourself among a sea of competition with cool side projects and examples that’ll attract potential customers, the better.

And remember that while highly trained freelancers can get paid much more for their work, you don’t have to head back to school for BS in computer science to get on the train. Taking online classes like a Skillcrush Blueprint can get you on the right track and put you in charge of your education.

Get Your FREE Guide to Going Freelance

All the resources you need to transition into full-time freelance!

Skillcrush needs the contact information you provide to us to contact you about our products and services. You may unsubscribe from these communications at anytime. For information on how to unsubscribe, as well as our privacy practices and commitment to protecting your privacy, check out our Privacy Policy.

7. Build Your Credibility

There are many ways to build your credibility within your industry. Aside from creating high quality blog content and collaborating with notable influencers in your industry, you can write an ebook, create an online course, and line up speaking engagements to start increasing your visibility within your niche.

These credibility-boosters can help you add your list of accomplishments that you can highlight on your portfolio and simultaneously demonstrate your knowledge for more potential clients to see. The wider you can broadcast your message, the more influence you’ll build within your niche.

8. Determine Your Pricing

While deciding how much to charge for your freelance services is a major step toward determining your perceived value, you need to make sure you’re charging enough to make a sustainable, comfortable living. Most clients won’t hesitate to pay higher rates for a freelancer that gives them an incredible first impression and sells them on the ability to deliver high quality results.

As long as I continue to deliver consistent value to my clients (beyond their expectations), I have no trouble setting and maintaining high prices for the services I’m providing.

Before setting your prices at the bare minimum you need to charge in order to hit your financial needs, consider the actual value you’d be creating for your potential clients and make sure you’re not leaving money on the table. You can always increase your rates in the future and hope your client stays on board, but if you start at a price point you’re already excited about, you’ll be that much more likely to over-deliver and continue increasing your value moving forward.

9. Leverage Your Network for Introductions

One of the most effective ways to land higher quality and better paying freelance work is through leveraging your existing networks. Whether it’s pitching your actual friends and former co-workers on freelance help, or using their connections to make warm introductions to companies you do want to work with, this is a great alternative to cold contacting potential clients.

Whenever I discover a freelance opportunity I want to pursue on, CloudPeeps, or elsewhere, I give myself 10–15 minutes to research the company, find my ideal point of contact, and do a little homework on if I have a mutual connection on LinkedIn, Twitter, or Facebook before reaching out with a cold email.

If I do have a mutual contact, I’ll reach out to my friend (only if I’m actually friends with them) and ask if they’d mind sending an email introduction on my behalf.

This approach, where my first impression is being endorsed by a recommendation from someone my potential client already knows, has consistently netted me higher response and close rates.

10. Perfect Your Pitching

There’s an art and science to pitching your freelance services to new clients. Because it’s such an important part of running a profitable freelance business, I created an entire online course on the topic of writing freelance proposals that convert, and I even give away my freelance proposal template for free.

Landing new clients isn’t just a matter of crafting an awesome freelance proposal. Your success depends on how you’re selecting new jobs, how you position your value propositions, and how much research you do ahead of time.

I’ve won new gigs simply because I clearly put in more time and effort into researching the company, determining their needs, and providing immense up front value in the form of insightful recommendations before I even discuss payment. In the world of freelancing, much of your success will depend upon the strength of your client relationships, and how well you’re able to forge meaningful partnerships.

11. Blog Frequently

The goal of having a website showcasing your skills is to attract and convert new clients. What better way to increase the number of potential new clients coming across your website than by creating high quality blog content that positions you as a stand out expert within your field?

At the beginning, aim for creating one or two in-depth blog posts per month, geared toward providing truly helpful solutions that your potential clients may be searching for. Note: That means you’ll be writing for an audience of your clients, not other people in your field.

Once they discover your content and get some free value from you, you’ll naturally be top-of-mind if they’re ready to hire out for more in-depth help.

I initiated the majority of the freelance contracts I’ve landed over the last year by mentioning a company in a successful blog post on my website. After publishing my in-depth post chronicling all of the best side business ideas, I spent a lot of time reaching out to a carefully chosen person at each brand or online tool I mentioned, asking if I cited them correctly within the post. The majority of them wrote back either confirming or offering a suggestion, which then gave me an opportunity to either pitch a guest post, ask them to share my content with their audience on social, or open the door to a potential marketing contract.

My blog has been by far my highest return marketing channel for my freelance business.

12. Guest Post on Relevant Industry Blogs & Publications

Once you have a website that highlights your abilities and clearly communicates that you offer freelance services, one of the most effective ways to increase your online visibility is by getting content published on the blogs and publications where your potential customers spend the most time. Marketing guru and consultant Neil Patel frequently shares about the huge contracts he lands for his business by publishing over 100 guest posts per year.

While you’ll be starting on a much smaller scale, don’t underestimate the immediate benefit of getting your content featured on blogs and publications that can drive hundreds or even thousands of new visitors to your website. In the span of less than one year, I’ve been able to get my posts published on Entrepreneur, Inc, Business Insider, HubSpot, and dozens more publications by creating extremely high quality content and leveraging my pitching abilities. This increased visibility has had a direct, positive impact on my business.

Friday 14 August 2020

Want to be a freelancer? Here are six steps you need to take to get started.


Did you know that more than a third of U.S. workers are freelancers? Freelancing is popular in Europe as well, and the number of people who freelance grew by 45% in the last five years. Across the world, small and large companies have significantly increased their use of freelancers.

If you've decided to become a freelancer, the numbers say you're on to something good. Whether your goal is to earn some money on the side or make freelancing a full-time career, you'll need to arm yourself with knowledge, determination to learn and improve, and lots of patience. Here's how to start freelancing. 

How do you become a freelancer?

The freelance market is growing by the day, and if you want to be competitive, you have to prepare accordingly. Follow these six steps to get started.

Step 1: Consider whether freelancing is for you.

Freelancing has its pros and cons (more on that later), but in general, you must possess a specific mindset to be a freelancer. Being your own boss is a great thing if you're disciplined and reliable. Freelancing enables you to set your own schedule, so you can take a day off whenever you want, but you won't be paid for that time because there is no such thing as paid leave.

If you want to be a freelancer, you should maintain a daily work routine, be ready to juggle several projects at the same time and continually look for new projects so you can maintain a steady flow of work.

If you're still working full time, don't quit your job immediately. Instead, combine freelancing and full-time work until you accumulate enough clients and connections to support yourself as a freelancer. Working from a comfortable place of steady work and safe income is a much better environment for developing your freelance business. 

Step 2: Find a platform.

Most freelancers use freelancing platforms to find work. While recommendations and social media channels like LinkedIn can also be a great source of gigs, platforms are popular because they allow you to effortlessly connect with clients looking for freelancers. There is always a job available there. 

Also, most of these platforms have policies and offer protection both for buyers and freelance workers. On freelance platforms, every project you take on is a mini contract, and both you and the client are required to adhere to its terms.

Choosing the platform with the model that fits your needs and salary expectations is incredibly important for your success. Plenty of freelancing websites encourage the so-called "race to the bottom," where freelancers provide poor quality work in exchange for poor compensation. Ultimately, it doesn't help anyone – buyers cannot find good quality of work and freelancers cannot earn enough money. 

Some freelancing platforms, like Hiremotely, base their business model on admitting only top freelance software developers and connect them with clients based on very specific requirements. Being a member of such an exclusive platform allows you to connect with serious clients and get paid for high-quality work. The admission process on such platforms may take several weeks and include several rounds of relevant tests.

Step 3: Build your profile.

You don't have to prepare a classical CV, as most freelancing websites have a predesigned template that you need to fill out with your information, but you shouldn't treat your freelancing profile as a checkbox exercise.

Take time to create a substantial profile that will inform potential clients about your education, skills, expertise and experience. You don't have to write novels – keep it short and sweet. List your skills, experiences, special achievements and explain why you're the best person for the job. 

Step 4: Build your portfolio.

Your profile may state that you're an astronaut, but unless you upload your selfie from the international space station, potential clients are unlikely to believe you. So, when you create your profile, make sure you provide a portfolio that illustrates your skills and experience. Here's an example of my inbound marketing portfolio. 

But what if you're a beginner in your chosen field? My suggestion is to either take time to create a portfolio with sample works or simply accept several jobs at a discounted rate in exchange for experience. 

Step 5: Determine your price.

Speaking of discounts, while your hourly rate or project price heavily depends on your skill set and experience, don't work for peanuts. We already mentioned how this devalues both freelancers and the quality of work. 

If you have only a couple of years of experience, of course, you cannot charge the same rate as freelancers with 10 years of work under their belts. However, if you eventually want to turn freelancing into your full-time job, the rate should cover your monthly expenses if you have steady work, no matter how experienced you are.

Step 6: Find work.

If you're actively looking for projects and clients, here are a few tips to help you find them. First, apply only for the jobs you are confident you can do. There is no point in applying for a project you cannot complete on time with satisfactory results. As a freelancer, you're building your reputation from scratch and especially in the beginning, it's of utmost importance to secure positive feedback.

When you apply for jobs, make sure you craft a relevant cover letter that explains why you're the best choice for that particular job or project. Highlight the skills and experience that are relevant to requirements. 

Over time, freelancing platforms reward top-rated freelancers with badges, lower fees and access to specially tailored job offers, so it's in your best interest to keep your clients happy.

Some freelancers avoid online marketplaces because they come with the fees (usually between 5% and 20% of your earnings) that can really add up by the end of the month. In that case, try to use various groups on Facebook and LinkedIn to find work. However, be aware that with these gigs, there is no contract in place and no guarantee that someone won't take your work and never pay for it. 

Should I be a freelancer?

If you are asking us if you should be a freelancer, then yes, you definitely should. There are pros and cons to freelancing, just as with anything else in life, but in my opinion, the pros outweigh the cons. Here are some of my favorite things about being a freelancer.

There are always work opportunities. Every hour, there are dozens of new job postings added to whichever freelance platform you use. Of course, you won't be hired for each of those, but there are plenty of offers to go around. You control your schedule. You work when you want, how you want and as much as you want. You don't have to beg for days off. You don't have to get up in the morning if you're a person whose focus peaks in the midnight hour. With freelancing, you make the best of your peak productivity, without being tied to the office for specific hours. You have an amazing opportunity to gather experience. You can work with different clients on various projects and amass experience that would be impossible to come by in a classical office. You choose who you work with. If things aren't working out with a client, you can always find another one. You don't have to stick around in a toxic environment because you're afraid to quit your job. 

What are the drawbacks of freelancing? 

Even though there's a lot to love about being a freelancer, there are some downsides. Here are a few.

You need discipline and routine. If you want to be a good freelancer, you have to be self-motivated. There is no boss hanging over your shoulder, checking what you're doing. You're that boss! You have to be strict with yourself.Sometimes there won't be work. There will be times when you'll be offered more projects than you can accept, and there will be periods when you'll have a feeling nobody's hiring. This is why you should be savvy and make sure you establish a stable of clients before quitting your day job. Sometimes you'll work longer hours. There will be times when maintaining a steady flow of work and income means working outside of your normal working hours – in fact, you may find yourself working longer hours than when you had a regular full-time job.  It can take a while to get your first gig. Don't feel discouraged if you don't land a freelance gig immediately. In general, it takes between three months and a year to build your first connections and acquire a steady roster of clients. But once you reach that point, you'll see your career as a freelancer take off.

Tuesday 11 August 2020

15 best AdSense alternatives To Make More Money


"Your AdSense account has been temporarily banned or disabled!”

I am sure many of you have received this heartbreaking email from Google.

When it comes to monetizing your websiteor blog, Google AdSense is soundly popular amongst all other monetization platforms.

But, now you have the scope to earn more with AdSense alternatives.

What is Google Adsense?

Launched in mid-2003, Google’s advertising tool “Adsense” is one of the most popular advertising programs on the web. From webmasters to the publishers, it provides ample opportunities to monetizetheir traffic very efficiently.

Google also provides a high level of security and transparency to both the advertisers and publishers. Every day it bans hundreds of accounts just because they have not matched Google’s policy, or they have missed one of the Terms of Service by Google.

Also, Google AdSense monetization is limited to traffic to your website or app. But, let me assure you it is not the end of the world.

There are multiple Google AdSense Alternatives available on the web.

So, instead of sulking for an AdSense account, look at the best Google AdSense alternatives & monetization products for your Website & App below.

Find the best AdSense alternatives for you

1. Audienceplay


3. PropellerAds

4. Infolinks

5. Adsterra

6. PopAds

7. Adversal

8. RevenueHits

9. Amazon Associates

10. RevContent

11. AdNow

12. Skimlinks

13. Adcash

14. ylliX

15. Adblade


Your earnings from AdSense or any other Google AdSense alternatives are limited and dependent on the traffic of your site in that period, thereby limiting your revenues.

Now, you don’t have to limit your monetization capabilities with the audience to your website or app anymore with Audienceplay.

Audienceplay empowers you to monetize your audience anywhere in the online ecosystem, not limiting the monetization possibility to the traffic of the site. So, you can transform your audiences into unlimited revenue streams.

It allows you to build, track & analyze highly personalized audience segments instantly based on behaviors, demographics and many more. These personalized segmented audiences can be monetized wherever they are with the Audience extension feature of audience play.

Not only that, with Audienceplay you can use Google AdSense simultaneously. Thus it acts as an enhancement of your revenue streams rather than being an AdSense alternative  only.

If you are fishing for Google AdSense alternatives. is one of the Google AdSense alternatives which provides you with exclusive access to Yahoo and Bing.

The types of ads it offers are very similar to AdSense or best known as Google adsense alternatives. Such as Contextual Ads, Display Ads, Mobile Ads, Interstitial Ads, and In-Content Ads. So, it fairly qualifies as one of the Google AdSense alternatives.

Talking about their service, takes around 2-3 days to approve your account and provides you with an extra 10% of your overall earnings for the first three months. But, be careful with these kinds of AdSense alternatives, as they are very strict about suspending accounts. So make sure you read as well as follow all the rules.


PropellerAds can be one of the best AdSense alternatives for you, If you are an owner of a website or a blog under one of these niches, namely videos or movies, entertainment, software, games, dating, and finances. They provide exceptional pop-under ads, and they are regarded as giants of pop-under networks.

Pop-under ads are just like pop up ads the only difference is, pop-under ads are displayed when the website is closed. As pop-up ads are displayed and closed instantly. They also provide push notification ads and native ads. Likewise, it serves as one of the prominent and best AdSense alternatives.

Payment is usually paid over PayPal, Payoneer, ePayments and Webmoney. So you get several options for withdrawing with a minimum of 5 USD. PropellerAds is considered as the best Google AdSense alternatives as it has an array of ad styles as well as structured & tested monetization methods.

They also have a separate fill rate for tier 2-3 countries. So if you are a native of India, Singapore or South Africa, then you must find PropellerAd as one of the best AdSense alternatives.


Infolinks is helping more than 2,00,000 online publishers across 128 countries and stands firm as one of the Google AdSense alternatives. They help these publishers to earn money from their unused ad space.

Infolinks’ free segment to use native ads perfectly blends with all other styles of the advertisement without any customer user hazard. The successful video & contextual ad or highly engaging display banners, each product is thoroughly customized. Hence it is one of the useful Google AdSense alternatives for you.

Don’t worry if you are a small website owner or blog holder. Infolinks selects its customers based on quality. No wonder they work with brand Mughals like Amazon, eBay, Facebook, Tripadvisor, Hyundai, Pizza Hut and more.


Adsterra is a good platform for web publishers with effective CPM. They allow the users to filter the right kind of advertisement to run on your website. So it can get the best CPM to drive traffic on your website or blog and act as one of the best adsense alternatives.

The ad formats they offer include web push notifications, pop-unders, direct links and banners. Adsterra pays through PayPal, WebMoney, bitcoins and ePayments. They pay without any issues or delays. Now you can monetize your website or blog without any trouble. Adsterra is one of the best Google AdSense alternatives for publishers.


PopAds are the specialized providers ofPop Unders. They monetize all the countries and provide reasonable rates too. One unique feature of PopAds is, it pays every day if you can earn 5 USD or above daily. PopAds is one of the best paying Google AdSense alternatives on the basis of both pay and service.

They provide good quality advertisements and concentrate mostly on pop-ups, tab ups and tab unders. They have other methods of monetization too which makes it one of the powerful Google AdSense alternatives. 

PopAds are not very strict about their approval procedures. You would instead find it very easy to set your ad over there.


Adversal is again one of the best AdSense alternatives for you if your website crosses over 50,000 pageviews every month. They prioritize your preferences first and even let you decide the ad banner types and sizes before publishing your ad.

At present they pay a minimum of 20 USD through Paypal. It is also one of the few ad network programs to provide an affiliate program through which you have options to earn more. Therefore it is one of the most popular Google AdSense alternatives among the website owners.

They also make approval very fast. But they are very strict about their rules. They will reject any website if it doesn’t reach the 50,000 views mark every month.


Though RevenueHits is a young Ad network program. RevenueHits offers several ad types to its publishers such as interstitials, banners, top & footer style banners, pop-unders, sliders and buttons. If RevenueHits does not find any content on any page, it doesn’t allow ads over there.

Geo-targeted ads and contextual ads are the exceptions of their services as they cater services based on CPA, CPC or CPM network performances. They make sure the visitor takes action instead of only clicking on the ad.

They also offer a good payout of a minimum of 50 USD through PayPal and Payoneer.

Amazon Associates

We all are aware of Amazon, the biggest e-commerce giant in the world. They have left their footprints in almost all kinds of businesses in the world and ad networking programs are nothing new to them.

The ads they provide are not CPM based or Pay-per-click ads. If you sell a product which is sold by Amazon, then Amazon Associate is one of the best Adsense alternatives for you. As you can earn a small part of a commission from Amazon associates for every time stuff is sold through the link of your website.

Amazon associates are beneficial for promoting local products for driving local traffic to your blog. Amazon pays those publishers directly through wire transfer regardless of their country or origin. Thereby making Amazon associates as popular AdSense alternatives for small websites or local sellers.


If you are looking for quality advertisements as well as quick approvals too? RevContent is the right Google AdSense alternative for you.

They specialize in providing effective native ads. RevContent’s Native ads blend effortlessly with the website and give away a feeling of just another stuff in the site. RevContent is perfect AdSense alternatives for bloggers and entertainment-oriented website owners.

They also offer attractive CPCs, which pays around 1-10 cents with each click with easy and fast approval.

RevContent is one of the most used Google AdSense alternatives among the publishers due to their exceptional native ad network.


AdNow promises to monetize your traffic in the right way. They specialize in providing the best widget-based native ads. So, if you have plans to monetize your site through native ads, Adnow is the best platform for you.

They already have a vast network of publishers, and their goal is to create a hybrid ad format in the future. This unique ad format will be a combination of both native ads and media banners in a single campaign to benefit the clients and brands as well.


With Skimlinks you don’t have to worry about setting up your affiliate links anymore, you can concentrate on running the website. As Skimlinks offers to automate affiliation to the commercial content of your website.

The Skimlink tool not only automatically updates the commerce content with affiliate links but also enhances every monetization strategy starting from the website, social media, email and mobile.

If you choose to join Skimlinks, you also get direct access to the global network of vast merchants and various demand partners.


Are you looking to monetize your products & services? Adcash can help you choose the best-suited ads for your website or blogs. Moreover it could be one of your Google AdSense alternatives too.

They offer a variety of ads like banners, push notifications, native ads for both desktop and mobile.

They are the Global self-serve Online Advertising platform for any media buyers, affiliates or publishers. Adcash utilizes smart ad technology to offer a seamless experience to the users.


I’m sure most of you look for the best Adsense alternative for better payouts then ylliX can be the right monetization platform for you. ylliX is a robust advertising network offering multiple types of ads for desktop as well as mobile. Apart from that, it also provides mobile redirects, sliders, popunder ads, layer and full-page ads.

ylliX provides easy accounts approval as well as fair rates, daily payments, detailed reports and 100% fill rates. They also offer you a self-serve platform where you can take full control over your campaigns. And it could turn out to be the best adsense alternative for you.

Their referral program is quite good, which pays up to 100 US dollar for all new publishers and advertisers you refer to and extra 2% of their earnings for lifetime.


Finding the right advertising network can be straining because all of us tries to figure out where we can monetize the best. Well, then you could just go for Adblade as it provides a good payout by their CPM and CPC programs.

It is easy to earn plenty with Adblade as they have the largest content-style ad platform. They also offer sponsored content & display advertisements.

But, the ad networks approves minimum traffic of 5,00,000 monthly page views and minimum payout of 100 US Dollars which makes it quite hard for the new websites & blogs to monetize effectively.

Additional Monetization Strategies

Start Affiliate Marketing

You can start affiliate marketing by simply joining an affiliate program or installing an affiliate tool.

What is affiliate marketing?

It is a process of earning a commission by promoting someone else’s products. In this way, you can easily make a small amount of profit for every sale.

Did you know?

84% of publishers & 81% of marketers harness the power of affiliate marketing today. (Source)

Choose a suitable affiliate program for your blog/website, which renders several offers and tools. You must pick one which suits your site and appropriate for your traffic too.

Popular Affiliate networks are Rakuten Linkshare, Travelpayouts, Clickbank and more.

Create a membership website

Do you know creating a membership website is one of the best monetizing strategies? Over here, you can provide a restriction to your content to members only. Hence you can earn a lot by selling the audience membership data.

One of the main advantages of applying this method is that you don’t have to worry about the number of visitors.

Sell your advertising Space

Sell your ad space directly to advertisers. Wouldn’t it be more relevant to cut off the middlemen and directly negotiate with the advertiser? But it is mostly useful for big projects and the income depends on the size of your traffic.

And on average publishers can increase their rates up to 50% more as compared to AdSense rates.

How about selling your own digital products?

Transform your website into an arena of the trade like other e-commerce sites to trigger your income. Selling digital products and other web elements nowadays is not a big thing.

You can start with ebooks, images, video courses, etc.

Taking everything into account

As discussed above, there are a lot of alternatives for Google Adsense monetization. Based on the type of audience you receive to your website and the categories you operate upon, you can understand and pick the one which suits you the best.

All these Google AdSense alternatives pay a good sum of money one way or the other to you.

So, if you could not recall what exactly went wrong with your AdSense account or want to scale up your revenues immediately beyond Adsense. Pick and go ahead with a brand new website monetization platform and earn improved revenues. Also, read more about website monetization strategies.

 you know?

84% of publishers & 81% of marketers harness the power of affiliate marketing today. (Source)

Choose a suitable affiliate program for your blog/website, which renders several offers and tools. You must pick one which suits your site and appropriate for your traffic too.

Popular Affiliate networks are Rakuten Linkshare, Travelpayouts, Clickbank and more.

Create a membership website

Do you know creating a membership website is one of the best monetizing strategies? Over here, you can provide a restriction to your content to members only. Hence you can earn a lot by selling the audience membership data.

One of the main advantages of applying this method is that you don’t have to worry about the number of visitors.

Sell your advertising Space

Sell your ad space directly to advertisers. Wouldn’t it be more relevant to cut off the middlemen and directly negotiate with the advertiser? But it is mostly useful for big projects and the income depends on the size of your traffic.

And on average publishers can increase their rates up to 50% more as compared to AdSense rates.

How about selling your own digital products?

Transform your website into an arena of the trade like other e-commerce sites to trigger your income. Selling digital products and other web elements nowadays is not a big thing.

You can start with ebooks, images, video courses, etc.

Taking everything into account

As discussed above, there are a lot of alternatives for Google Adsense monetization. Based on the type of audience you receive to your website and the categories you operate upon, you can understand and pick the one which suits you the best.

All these Google AdSense alternatives pay a good sum of money one way or the other to you.

So, if you could not recall what exactly went wrong with your AdSense account or want to scale up your revenues immediately beyond Adsense. Pick and go ahead with a brand new website monetization platform and earn improved revenues. Also, read more about website monetization strategies.

Start Monetizing your Website or Appnow!

11 Proven Ways to Make Money Online Without Investment in 2020


Make money online without any investment in 2020

Today, every person wants to earn money online by sitting at home. Moreover, teenagers are also eager to make online money. However, it is difficult to find an easy way to earn money online without investment. Sometimes, people get trapped by fake agencies working online. Still, there are proven methods to make money online without any investment.

1.Start a Blog to Make Money Online:

Well, it is a long process of making money online. What you need to start a blog is purchase hosting, themes and domain. But now, you can start your blog even without spending a single penny. It is one of the best methods on how to make money as an entrepreneur. First of all, start writing on Medium and monetize on Medium partner program. You can create a blog free of cost on blogger or WordPress. Don't forget that money is equal to traffic in blogging. Furthermore, you can monetize the content if your blog by selling products, marketing. Although it's a long term process, one of the best ways of making money online.

2. Through Content Writing:

If you are a good writer and good in English grammar, then you can write contents to make money online. No doubt, writing an article is a time-consuming process as requires vast knowledge and search. But it does not need any investment to start this work. You have to write sample articles and begin working by sending them to your prospects. Moreover, you can also work for a website which gives you money for writing. You have to sign in and begin writing and earn money online.

3. Earn Money by Becoming a Freelancer:

If this question arises in your mind that how to make money as an entrepreneur. Then, you can make money online by becoming a freelancer if you know programming, marketing and designing. You need to have the patience for doing this work. Also, two skills are required to become the right freelancer. First is a core skill that you have, and the other is marketing skills. You can also take the help of an expert marketer if you are not good at marketing. Along with it, you should have excellent communication skills to get more clients.

4. Become a Consultant to Make Money Online:

You can also earn money online by selling your knowledge to people as a consultant. For this, you should have more experience than students. You can make the right amount of money by doing this job online. Moreover, you can become a consultant for content writing. A person having core competitive skills could work as a consultant and search for clients online. For instance, as a finance professional, you can create your website for attracting clients online.

5. Earn Money With Affiliate Marketing:

Affiliate marketing is the same as running a retail shop. You need to sign up with retailers such as Flipkart, Amazon to promote those products that you like the most via websites and social media apps to make the right amount of money. It is a kind of separate option as it gets fits with any online business. In some cases, people do not own a website but earn money via affiliate marketing. For instance, you can curate a list of your favourite books and link it to Flip kart so that people can purchase books of their interest. You will earn an affiliate commission. Also, you can begin with promoting affiliate links through Facebook groups and online forums.

6. Make Money by Writing an E-Book:

You can also earn money online by writing an e-book. If you have any topic of your interest or your hobby you want to write about could be easy. Moreover, if you will fund a site that will buy your book and pay for you will be beneficial. For selling your book online, you take the help of Amazon kindle publishing. They will charge a commission on every sale. You can sell many copies there.

7. Start a Product Startup:

It is a more profitable method of running a business online. You will never know how a startup will help in your growth. You need to do the hard work for making a product of customers choice. The complete process of starting a business is quite exciting. Moreover, you can facilitate people with loans or provide a credit limit.

8. Make Money from Facebook and Instagram:

As you can earn more money through Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Moreover, you can earn about 10,000-20,000 rupees for one tweet or a post on Facebook. The fan base on social media is an asset for those people who are in the entertainment domain. Hence, people related to this domain can monetize their page on social media application.

9. Make Online Money from YouTube:

Well, people are earning millions from YouTube. It's not an easy task, but for those who can record and upload videos. Generally, two types of people can create YouTube channels successfully. First, those who can make funny videos and others are those who can create helpful videos for students, homemakers etc. you need to know about tools required for creating videos.

10. Subscribe a Food Delivery Service:

By using this service, you cannot earn money, but you can save your money. These services delivered a food box every week with unique vegetables, fruits and meat. It will be lucrative for you when you don't have enough time for shopping and want a good meal. Moreover, the services are according to price range.

11. Learn Stock Market Trading:

You can also make money online by stock investing & trading if you are aware of picking the right stock. Keep in mind that try to begin with less cash to prevent the loss. You should invest much more time in learning stock trading basics.

Hence, the above-given tips explained about how to make money as an entrepreneur.


Lastly, it could be the best decision for starting an online money-making business by sitting at your place. From the above, given proven ideas or methods, you can pick anyone, to begin with, it. Moreover, you can do it as a part-time business to earn more money.

10 Easy Ways to Earn Money from Facebook


Facebook is a household name around the world. This social networking platform has over 2.2 billion registered Monthly Active Users and the number is growing rapidly.

While Facebook allows you to stay in touch with relatives and friends, it also offers excellent opportunities for people to make money. There are several direct and indirect ways by which you can earn money from Facebook in 2020.

All you need is a Facebook account and some ingenuity to cash on the world’s favorite social media platform.

Why Facebook

Facebook ranks as the world’s third most popular website, surpassed only by search engine Google and its video sharing channel, YouTube. This means, whatever you do on Facebook has immense impact around the world.

Realizing that people also need to make money through social networking, Facebook has launched several tools that allow people to earn. The website has global reach and allows posting text, pictures, video and audio content for registered users.

How to Earn Money from Facebook

Considering the above facts, here are 10 beast and ways and means that can help you make money with Facebook. You can use one or multiple ways to make money from Facebook as per your convenience.

1. Facebook Marketplace

Facebook Marketplace is a free facility offered by the social networking website. It allows you to list various items, services and deals and promote them directly within the Facebook community.

The service allows you to reach thousands of people through your own social network while allowing Facebook friends to notify others about what you are selling. You can sell any item or service that meets Facebook Community Guidelines.

Similar to classifieds, the buyer can contact you, inspect the goods and finalize price, shipping and other details.

However, if you have an eye for unique stuff, you can make more money. A lot of items sold on Facebook Marketplace are rare and can fetch higher value in brick-and-mortar stores. Buy the stuff and resell it either online or through stores.

2. Affiliate Marketing on Facebook

Affiliate marketing is a system by which you promote a product, brand, service or company through a Facebook page or groups to your contacts. Thousands of merchants including Amazon, Flipkart, VCommission, and many other pay you to promote their products.

You can do so by joining affiliate marketing programs offered by these organizations and posting their content on your Facebook page. Every time an interested party looks up the advertisement or content you have posted and becomes its customer, you stand to make some money.

3. Advertise Your Business on Facebook

Facebook has emerged as the single largest common platform on which every business- from home based ventures to the largest banks and consumer goods companies have a presence.

I have seen many common people are promoting their training, consultancy, selling home-made products or even custom-made dresses and jewelry through Facebook business. There are multiple options to promote your product on Facebook.

You can also interact with customers through the instant messenger service available on Facebook.

4. Create Facebook Content

Facebook encourages people who have unique skills or knowledge to take time and create digital content that can be sold through an app called 22Social. Content that can be sold includes PDF files, audios and videos.

Facebook also provides an excellent online tutorial for people who wish to monetize their content using 22Social and the social media platform.

All you need is a Facebook page, a free 22Social account, verified PayPal account and free or paid account to digital hosting including Dropbox, Vimeo, YouTube, Google Drive and SoundCloud, among others.

5. Earn by Selling Facebook Likes

This is a very debatable way to make money with Facebook. There are forums that support selling ‘likes’ for a Facebook page while others deem the system as illegal. Regardless, there are several marketers who will pay you to send a Facebook page to your ‘friends’.

Your friends have to simply click the ’like’ button on that Facebook page. According to various reports, including one published by National Public Radio (NPR), people charge as much as US$ 75 to give 1,000 likes for any Facebook page. Others advertize the service on sites like Fiverr.

6. Influencer Marketing on Facebook

Influencer marketing is not for anyone who has a large following on Facebook. Indeed, most people do not permit people to ‘follow’ them on Facebook because their content can land them in danger, if it is dealing with sensitive issues like politics and religion.

However, influencer marketers look for people with large followings and huge network of friends. They offer money to promote a brand or ideology through your Facebook page.

The system came under scrutiny of American and other law enforcement agencies after it was revealed that some sort of ‘influencer marketing’ could have been done by certain countries during election campaigns in the US and elsewhere.

Offering your Facebook following for influencer marketing for brands of products is however harmless.

7. Earn from Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads is a facility extended by the social media giant to corporate and individual users. It allows you to create and pot advertisements of various sorts that target a specific group of people based on age, location and other demographic parameters.

If you have a small home based business, you can make money by advertizing through Facebook Ads. The social media firm offers free and paid packages for Facebook Ads, depending upon your usage and target audience.

Additionally, you can also offer services of posting advertisements on behalf of businesses who wish to remain anonymous. Several large companies looking at hiring staff do not divulge their identity.

8. Manage Facebook Accounts

Managing social media accounts, especially Facebook page of a company or celebrity is very lucrative work from home option. There are scores of social media management jobs you can find online.

These jobs that require you to manage Facebook pages can be done fulltime or even part-time to make extra money. They are advertised under various designations like Social Media Manager, Facebook Assistant, Social Media Specialist and myriad others.

9. Facebook Groups

People open group pages on Facebook for various reasons. There are two categories of Facebook groups- Open and Closed. In an ‘Open’ group, people can join anytime. The other is a “Closed” group where membership is by invitation or application only.

Opening a Facebook group enables you to work as micro-influencer or a cause, political party or business. You can invite friends to become members of the group and invite others too. Upon reaching the desired level of membership, you can ‘close’ the group. A ‘Closed’ group allows you to influence members about anything.

10. Direct Advertizing

A small business can post advertisements directly on a regular Facebook page to attract customers. These advertisements can be about employment, classifieds, products and services. Many small businesses use Facebook purely as a forum to post their advertisements.

A lot of jobseekers also browse Facebook pages of companies to find employment opportunities.

In Conclusion

Facebook allows linking with various apps that allow you to open an online store or get memberships. However, the company is currently reviewing its policies governing apps as well as security levels of apps after reports of data leaks rocked the world in March 2018.

Hence, we prefer not to comment on these money-making apps that can be linked with Facebook. As we can see from the highlighted examples, it is very easy to earn money from Facebook. All you need is the inclination and time to cash-in on the social media platform.

How to Make Money with AdSense


You do not need to be an internet marketing expert to make money with AdSense. What you do need is some knowledge and advice as to how to begin AdSense thus turning your existing content into a potential cash machine or creating new content sites specifically for generating AdSense income.

So what is Google AdSense?

Google AdSense is a free program that is designed to use your websites to increase revenue by displaying advertisers’ ads known as Adwords on these sites.  When visitors to your site click on these AdSense ads, you get paid, as does Google from the advertiser and hopefully, the advertiser who sells a product to a happy customer.

Why start AdSense?

Google AdSense is proof that it is better to display ads than to place ads. You can earn money with every click and still maintain some control as to the ads displayed on your site. You can have many pages displaying these Adwords ads. In fact, Google would prefer that you have a minimum of 20 pages before you apply and implement AdSense.

Hence, your website can generate revenue 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  There is no need to deal with customers as it is not your product. Google AdSense does the work, it places relevant ads on your site, tracks the clicks and pays you.

However, you also must be prepared to drive traffic to your AdSense sites using various traffic building methods such as article marketing and paying attention to using “keywords” and SEO methods to obtain better page rankings that will attract targeted traffic to your sites.

How to Begin AdSense

The most important thing is that you review the terms of service also referred to as TOS before you apply for your AdSense account. This will save you grief, the possibility of not being accepted and worse, to eventually be banned. Google rules must be obeyed.  Once you have reviewed the TOS and feel that your site conforms to the policies, you can apply online at

You initially apply to have Google review your primary website. You can install AdSense to other websites at a later date under the sole AdSense account once this website is approved.

Your website should be content rich as to the theme with keywords that will drive traffic to your site as well as assist Google to place compatible AdSense Ads targeted to your site.

Installing Adsense

Within several days, Google will advise as to the acceptance or rejection of your site. With acceptance, you set up a Google account. It is imperative that you only have one AdSense account. Google does not allow multi AdSense accounts. You will be provided with an HTML code needed for displaying ads on your various sites.

Once you have this money making code, you need to implement AdSense on your site by going to “AdSense Setup” where on this page you will click on “AdSense for Content“. This is the most basic, common type of Adsense product. The instructions are also user-friendly.

You will be taken through several steps where you will choose ad type, select “ad unit“, text and image ads. You will then be taken to a page where you will need to format your ad color. It is highly recommended that your ad complement your webpage color. Choose a border that is the same color as the area where the ad will be placed.

You can experiment with color on background, text, and border but try to blend color into your site rather than draw attention to the ad. Visitors know that these are ads and discretion preferred. The next step is to track the performance of each ad.

This is optional but highly recommended. “Add new channel“, using a descriptive name for this channel to advise you where the clicks came from and also the location of the ad in order that you may want to experiment with changing the placement.

After the above steps are completed, “save the Ad Unit” with a descriptive name, click on “Submit and get code“. This “Code” will need to be copied and pasted on to your webpage. Location, location, location is most important here. Some Marketers have indicated good success with placing the ads front and center, at the top or above the fold.

That means in the area where you do not scroll down to see. You will often see AdSense ads placed on the right or left margins and even at the bottom. It is best to view other sites and see where they have placed these ads. You can also use “Google Heat Map“ to find the best positions to place ads on your sites.

You can get additional help at the “Code Implementation Guide” link. After you have installed AdSense on several sites, it will become easier. Place ads to maximize the attention of the visitor to click but also where it complements your website and does not appear to be a blatant advertisement.

There are sites such as Blogger, who have AdSense templates already installed to ease you through this process.

Google relies on website owners for the placement of AdSense ads and there are advertisers for almost every situation or site that you can make. Google is very profit driven which can also work for you.

Just ensure your site complies with their ever-changing “terms of service“ and you should be on your way to generating AdSense income.

If you’d like to learn more of how you can dramatically boost your AdSense earnings, contact us here.

How to Earn Money from YouTube Without Adsense: 10 Best Ways


Do you have a fairly new channel and wonder how can you earn money from YouTube without Adsense? We'll give you the best alternatives.

Monetizing YouTube videos is a topic that every YouTuber is interested in. I see questions related to how people make money on YouTube frequently. After all, if you enjoy making videos, why not make an income out of it to sustain yourself while doing what you love?

But, how easy it is to make money on YouTube?

The first thing that comes to mind for people who are starting out on YouTube is to make money by monetizing their videos. Some mistaken the process to be as easy as uploading videos on YouTube and see the money pilling. In reality, there are many miss conceptions beginners have about this so-called easy way to make money.

I'll give you the most important reasons why making money on YouTube with Adsense can't be your only source of money in 2019. And I'll go over the best alternatives to earn money from YouTube without Adsense.

The ugly truth about Adsense

You need to meet certain criteria

You need to have 1000 subscribers and 4000 watched hours in the last year to join the program. Reaching these numbers doesn't happen overnight. It takes time and work to reach 1000 subscribers, so you won't be able to use Adsense to make money from the beginning of your channel.

You don't get paid for views

Lots of people thinking about starting a YouTube channel are asking how much you get paid for views on YouTube, or how much money you'll be making if you have 3000 views on a video. There's no answer to these questions. You get paid from the money advertisers are paying to show their ads on your videos. And they get charged only if your viewer watches the ad for at least 30 seconds (or the whole ad if the ad is shorter than 30 sec). If no one watches the ads that pop up on your video, or they are using AdBlock, you won't be seeing any money.

It depends on your niche

Because you get paid only when ads show on your videos and viewers watch them, it means you need ads on your videos. How many ads will be showing up, depends on the niche you're in. A business selling phones won't pay for ads to be shown on your videos about animal food because your audience isn't relevant to the business. Hence, if you're in a niche where businesses are not paying for advertisements, you won't have much success with it.

For small channels, theres not much money to be made

As a guideline, you can expect to make around $1 for 1000 views. That's not a lot of money for a new YouTube channel that gets a couple thousand views per video. You can check out this calculator if you want to get estimates on how much money your YouTube channel can make with AdSense.

The truth about making money on YouTube with Google Adsense

So, what now? Do you really need Adsense to make money on YouTube?

Monetizing with Adsense is an easy way to make money on YouTube, but only after your channel is starting to grow in popularity. Until then, there are other ways to make money on YouTube without Adsense, and most YouTubers are using them to make an income from creating videos. Actually, YouTubers are not focusing solely on making money from ads, most of them also have other ways to increase their earnings.

I'll share with you the best 11 Adsense alternatives for YouTube.

Let's go over them in depth.

1. Affiliate links

Becoming an affiliate is the easiest way to make money on YouTube without Adsense. Making money through affiliate links means you advertise certain products in your videos and encourage your viewers to buy the product. You'll have a link to the product in the video description, which is a special URL attached to your account. Every time someone makes a purchase through one of your links, you'll receive a commission from that sale.

⭐Perfect for: Any YouTuber willing to promote products

What to know about it

💡It's easy and little time-consuming.

You just need to place the links to the products you want to promote in the description. This will only take you a couple of minutes to do.

💡Everybody can do it.

It doesn't matter that you're a small YouTube channel, you can still implement this money making technique in your videos from the beginning.

💡You're not limited to the products you're promoting.

Even if you place a link to a certain product on your videos, if the person buys something else after clicking on your link, you'll still get a commission for what he/she brought. This means that you can have the surprise of getting a commission for a $1000 item, even if you promoted a $20 one.

How to make it happen

▶ Choose the niche for the products.

If you don't already have a channel running on a certain topic, you can look for niches where there's great demand for products.

▶ Pick some products.

Ask yourself what products would be useful to your audience.

▶ Pick an affiliate partnership.

The most popular affiliate program is Amazon Associates. You can find a wide variety of products to promote in any niche, and it's a globally used platform where people trust to buy from.

▶ Talk about the products in your videos.

You either start making product reviews, which means you'll be having dedicated videos to promote the products. Or you can just mention the products and why you recommend them in your usual videos.

▶ Always disclose that you're using affiliate links.

Don't try to hide the fact that you're getting commissions from the sales. Your audience will trust you more if you're transparent with them.

▶ Don't advertise products you know nothing about.

Only pick out products you're familiar with and you can genuine recommend. If you promote random products and they turn out to be bad, it'll reflect badly on your channel.

You can see how this YouTuber uses affiliate links in his description to generate sales. And he is also transparent about he getting commissions from sales.

2. YouTube sponsorships

Another way to monetize YouTube without Adsense is through sponsorships. This is the how many YouTubers earn money or lots of cool freebies. Getting sponsored by a brand means that you get paid to promote the said brand in your videos.

⭐Perfect for: YouTube channels with a decent following

What to know about it

💡You need a base of subscribers before you can get YouTube sponsorships.

In order for brands to collaborate with you, there needs to be something for them to benefit from. When you don't have any following, or too few subscribers, brands won't be interested in your channel because there are no possible prospects for their products.

💡You can get paid with money or goods.

If your YouTube channel is rather small, brands will give you free items in exchange for promotion instead of money.

💡Sponsors will come to you in time.

When your channel will start growing, you'll be receiving proposal emails for sponsorships. Businesses are looking to promote their products everywhere their targeted audience is spending time. And if your channel is one of those places, you'll get hit by proposals.

How to make it happen

▶ Find businesses that are relevant to your channel.

Take some time to research which brands are selling products that your audience have interest in. Make a list of them, also taking into account their popularity. Start small and grow from there.

▶ Set some ground rules.

Sponsors will try to bend the collaboration in their favor. So you don't get dragged into something you are not comfortable with, it's best to set some rules for yourself that you are not willing to compromise. For example, you might not agree to let sponsors suggest editing your videos. If so, be clear on it.

▶ Prepare your pitch.

In order to convince brands to pay you for promotion, you have to write a compelling proposal which highlights why they should do it. If you have previous experience with promoting products, you should feature in your pitch the positive results you got.

▶Learn to negotiate.

Don't accept an offer from the start. Usually, people start up with a smaller amount of money that they are actually willing to pay. Don't pass on the chance to receive more money.

▶Don't accept sponsorships that are not related.

You may find that sometimes businesses come to you with proposals for sponsorships but they are not at all relevant to your channel. If it's not relevant for your audience, don't do it. It may seem like you give up an opportunity of making money off YouTube, but promoting irrelevant products will drive your subscribers away.

This YouTube channel receives free gear from sponsors in exchange for video reviews.

3. Merch and products

One way to monetize your YouTube channel is through selling merchandise. There're two ways you can go with this. You can either source products, buy them in bulk, and sell them at a higher price (Amazon or Shopify strategy). Or, if you produce items, you can take advantage of YouTube and sell them on your channel.

⭐Perfect for: YouTubers that manufacture their own products (jewelry making, artists), merchants

What to know about it

💡It's time-consuming.

You'll have to handle the orders, packing, and delivery. This process will take a notable amount of time. If you want to jump into selling items to make money on YouTube, make sure you have enough time on hand to deal with it in a professional way. If you don't honor your orders with professionalism, you won't get far with it. Customer satisfaction is one of the most important aspects of e-commerce.

💡It requires space to store the products.

You'll be needing a space to use as a warehouse. You can do this in your own home, but depending on the dimensions of the items, your place may start to feel crowded.

💡You need to be aware of the fees.

There will be shipping fees from the manufacturer to you, packing supplies, warehouse supplies (*if you chose to store your items in a warehouse). Make sure that all you have to pay for scales up with what you'll be getting for it and you'll still be left with a profit.

💡If you're making your own products, this is perfect.

When you're the creator of the items, all you have to worry about are the materials needed and the packing supplies (and the time you have to put into creating the items, of course). And if you already create things, it means that you love doing it. YouTube gives you a chance to do what you love and get paid for it.

How to make it happen

▶ Choose the items you want to sell.

If you're sourcing products, you can use some tips on how to find the best products to sell on Amazon. You can source products from China, where the manufacturing fees are lower, and sell them on another market (like US or UK) at a higher price. Pick out products that are light, hard to break, and preferably small.

▶ Build a YouTube channel around those products.

In order to sell items, you don't have to solely make videos talking about them. Contrary, you want to make videos that are relevant to your products, but which don't directly sell them. Say you want to sell jewelry. You can make videos about choosing the right earrings for an occasion, maintaining jewelry, or organizing necklaces. These kinds of videos can be optimized for ranking and will bring traffic to your channel. Moreover, you'll set yourself as an authority figure in the niche who people will trust.

Example of YouTube channel using videos to generate sales to its own products.

4. Sell T-shirts

If you're not familiar with it yet, you can sell T-shirts online without having to deal with buying the T-shirts, printing, and delivering. It's called print-on-demand. And there are lots of websites offering such services.

⭐Perfect for: YouTubers with designing skills or awesome ideas for designs

What to know about it

💡You need great T-shirt designs.

The internet is full of options when it comes to T-shirts. In order to compete in the market, your designs need to be creative and stand out.

💡You don't have to deal with merchandise.

All you have to do is upload your designs to your preferred website, CafePress is an example, and everything else is outsourced. When someone makes a purchase, you don't have to make anything about it.

💡You don't have to continuously advertise.

It's easy to promote your T-shirts. You just have to wear them in your videos. If the designs are awesome, viewers will be like “I want one of those!” and they will find the link to get it in the description. You can also add a call-to-action at the end of your videos asking people to check out your store.

💡It's fitted for almost any niche.

Music enthusiasts, gamers, tech addicts, animals lovers, cooking amateurs. Whoever your audience is, you can come up with funny texts related to the niche or cool illustrations that your viewers would proudly wear.

💡You can do it without a website.

While having your own website has its benefits, like being in total control of how it looks like, adding calls-to-action, or collecting e-mails, you can still sell without it. On most print-on-demand websites, you can have your own page dedicated to your designs.

How to make it happen

▶ Get your designs ready.

If you're good at graphic design, this is the moment to let your creative juice flow. You can also pay professional designers on sites like Fiverr or 99design if you're not proficient with graphic design.

▶ Don't focus solely on what you like.

If you're aiming to make money on YouTube by selling T-shirts, you must be aware that if you like a design, it doesn't mean it will sell. When sales are what you're after, you have to do a market research prior to design and figure out what are the best styles and themes that sell.

▶ Find your print-on-demand supplier.

Teespring, Zazzle, and Threadless, are just a couple of examples.

▶ Try out the merchandise.

Before you jump into selling, you want to make sure the T-shirts are of good quality. Order some T-shirts for yourself to test out the quality.

▶ Make videos related to the T-shirts' designs.

Let's say you chose your designs to be music related. This means you have to attract music lovers to your YouTube channel. To do so, you can make music reviews, teaching tips about using instruments or even make music covers.

This YouTuber started selling shirts because his audience requested to see merchandise from him.

5. Sell e-books

Selling e-books is a great way to make money online. People love books in digital format because they are easy to go through from any device. Writing books and using a YouTube channel to promote them is a great way to put yourself out there.

⭐Perfect for: YouTubers with writing skills

What to know about it

💡You can write on any topic.

Self-improvement, writing about a certain career, teaching others how to make money. You can write on whatever topic you know about.

💡You don't have to write a lot.

Publishing an e-book doesn't mean that you have to write a novel of hundreds of pages. You can write an e-book of 40-60 pages containing insightful information.

💡It's an easy process.

It doesn't involve selling physical items, doesn't require tech skills, and there's no monetary investment. All you need is a laptop, some time, and your inspiration.

How to make it happen

▶ Decide on what kinds of books you want to write.

If you are a writer, well, you probably already have your own style and interests. If you are open to experimenting, you can search topics that people are interested in and see if you can find something you'd enjoy writing about.

▶ Upload your e-book on Amazon.

Amazon makes it easier for writers to sell their books through their Kindle Direct Publishing. All you have to do is register for an account, upload your PDF, add your cover, set your price, and – you're done. Now go and promote it on your YouTube channel.

Example of a YouTuber promoting her e-book in the video description.

6. Sell digital products

Digital products are probably the easiest things to sell online nowadays. If you have ideas about products that your audience would benefit from, you can build an app. If you're a graphic designer, you can create templates or prints. Photographers can sell their images. – You get the picture. Selling digital products is how many YouTubers make money. They don't over promote their products in the videos, but they mention them from time to time to draw viewers back to their website.

⭐Perfect for: Tech enthusiasts, YouTubers with programming skills, YouTubers with vision

What to know about it

💡You sell a product, but you don't have to deal with physical work.

Because it's all digital, it's extremely easy to manage the orders. You don't need a dedicated space for storage, you don't have to deliver the products, and you can be anywhere in the world and still be selling.

💡It's easy to improve the products.

Like I said, everything happens online, you don't manufacture products. You program them from a computer. This makes it easier to make tweaks and improve your products in time.

💡You have to invest at first.

If you are a programmer and can create the products yourself, you have to invest a notable amount of time into it. If you have ideas but don't know how to put them into practice, you can pay someone to build the products the way you want them.

💡It's a market that keeps on growing.

People use more and more digital products each day. There's a lot of space for you to grow and there's an endless oasis of possibilities.

💡It's a way of generating passive income.

Once your digital products are ready for people to buy, there's no much work on your part left other than promoting.

How to make it happen

▶ Think about what will benefit your audience.

If you already created a base of subscribers, take a look at who your viewers are. What problems that they have can be solved with a digital product? What would they be interested to buy from you?

▶ Make a strategy.

There's no growth without a strategy. If you want to create an app, make a free, beta version, release it and raise feedback. Are your viewers interested in your product? Do they have suggestions? Take all the feedback you can and improve your app to a more resourceful, premium product. If you want to sell templates, icon packs, and stuff like this, make some freebies first to attract viewers down your product's page and hook them up for your premium packs.

▶ Set up a website.

If you don't already have a website, now's the time to create it. You don't need something complex. A simple, clean, and easy to navigate website with great copy is enough.

▶ Make videos.

When you decided what your products gonna be, don't wait for them to be ready so you start with video recording. Make videos surrounding the topic of your products to grow a community interested in your future releases. When you'll have the products ready, you'll already be having an audience to sell to.

This illustrator created planning templates and sells them by leveraging YouTube videos.

7. Sell courses

If you've mastered skills in a certain field, you can put together a course and make money on YouTube by selling it.

⭐Perfect for: Youtubers with skills in a certain area, people who enjoy teaching others

What to know about it

💡People on YouTube want to learn.

One of the main reasons people are spending time on YouTube is to learn new things and to improve their skills. Which makes YouTube an amazing place for promoting courses and pieces of training.

💡It's passive income.

Like with digital products, you can create a course that will live on your website for people to buy it. The only thing you need to worry about is properly promoting it in your videos. Of course, to generate better sales you can use additional promotional strategies like using a Facebook group or promoting on Pinterest, but this is up to how much time you're ready to invest into it. You'll be investing some time now in a product that can make you money a long time from now.

💡You already have the knowledge.

After you learned some skills for yourself, it's easy to understand what other people need help with, what information they need, and how to organize the content so it's efficient to learn from.

💡It gives you space to grow on your own terms.

Usually, people who are selling courses or pieces of training make a short e-book so they let prospects get a peek at the kind of content they are delivering. From there, things can go more ways. You can make a premium course to sell at a high price, like $997. Or you can divide the course into sections and charge separately for each section, and even offer a promotional price for those who buy the complete series. There are endless possibilities to go around it.

💡You have to license your courses.

You don't want someone who bought your course to be sharing all its content online for free afterward, do you? Licensing your content is one more additional step, but you can easily take care of it with the help of a lawyer.

How to make it happen

▶ Decide the format of the course.

You can make video courses, written resources, PDFs with exercises. It can be all written content, or you can mix things up and do a variety of written and video content. The more entertaining it is, the better.

▶ Set up a website.

Yes, you'll need a website for this, too. Don't feel overwhelmed and don't go overboard. Nice and clean is the way to go. If you don't want to deal with a website, you can upload your courses on websites like Udemy and promote the course on YouTube. Although this approach may sound easier, I don't recommend it because they give creators a really small amount of money for their sales.

▶ Make videos on the topic.

So to make money on YouTube with this approach, people need to first trust your skills. Show them what you know and how you can help them. Give them tips on the subject, teach them in your videos. If your YouTube content is good and helps people out, they'll want to hear more from you and will most likely be open to pay for your wisdom.

Example of using a YouTube channel to sell courses about selling on Amazon.

8. Offer services

Are you a proficient content marketer? Or maybe you can help others take control of their life through consulting sessions? This can be an excellent way on how to make money using YouTube videos to generate leads.

⭐Perfect for: YouTubers that can help people in certain fields by offering consulting services

What to know about it

💡It gives you a wide group of possible prospects.

Users on YouTube are from all over the world, which means that you have access to people no matter where you or they are. Compared to when you offer your services locally where you are limited to the businesses or people that live in your area.

💡You'll be setting yourself as an expert in the niche.

When you use YouTube videos to demonstrate your knowledge, people start perceiving you as an authority in your niche. This means more people will be eager to benefit from your services.

💡Once you grow your channel large enough, people will ask for your services.

If you make videos teaching people how to do certain things, you may find that people will come asking for your services even though you don't advertise them anywhere. That's because they see you know what you're talking about.

How to make it happen

▶ Start by making videos to build trust.

Create videos where you teach skills related to your services.

▶ Don't stand back from sharing information.

You may feel like you don't want to give up too much information because, “If I teach them how to do it, they won't hire me, right?”.  Well, not exactly. There will be people who are there to learn for themselves, which is a good thing because they will engage and help grow your channel. But there will also be possible prospects, who have the money to hire you and don't have time to invest in learning. Yet, before they get to pay you for services, they have to first know you are good at what you're doing.

▶ Get video testimonials.

Having others vouch for you will raise your trust levels. Just make sure the testimonials are genuine. Paying someone to record a scripted testimonial is not a great idea as your viewers may notice it's not real.

9. Get paid to be a speaker

If the way you talk is inspiring to others and you have interesting points of view or great insights in your niche, you can make money from YouTube videos without directly monetizing them. You can use your YouTube channel to make people aware of your speaker skills and get invited to speak at events.

⭐Perfect for: YouTubers with speaker skills, channels in motivational and self-improvement niches, people with great ideas and interesting perspectives

What to know about it

💡You only have to focus on your videos.

Because you'll be selling your talking skills, you don't have to deal with creating products to sell. This will give you more time to focus on the quality of your videos.

💡You can take advantage of your life experience.

If you take a look at the best speakers out there, doesn't matter the niche, you'll find out that all of them share relevant life experiences in their speeches. For example, if you talk about self-improvement, here's your chance to tell your story about the struggles you managed to overcome.

💡It only works with certain niches.

Because you'll be asked to participate in events, it means that there's gotta be events in the niche you target. There are niches where there are no events with speeches involved.

💡You are limited to your local area.

In order to participate in events, they must be somewhere near the place you live. If you live in a city where there's not much going on in terms of events, focusing on becoming a speaker might not be the best choice to make money on YouTube without ads. When you manage to become a successful and popular YouTuber, you may be able to travel to other countries for speeches as you'll get paid enough money to cover up your trip expenses.

How to make it happen

▶ Make videos to inspire people.

The best speakers are the best because they know how to talk and tell stories in a way that makes you feel more motivated and inspired just by listening to them. Learn how to make your videos more inspiring.

▶ Approach interesting subjects.

Inspirational videos are those who make people want to be better selves. Be it about self-improvement, becoming healthier, increasing productivity at work, or being more kind to the environment and the people in need. What all inspirational videos aim to do is to charge people with positive energy.

Example of inspirational video that can get you hired as a speaker at events.

10. License your videos

Licensing the videos you upload protects you from someone stealing your content and using it in a way you don't agree with. But besides this, you can also take advantage of licensing to make money from your YouTube videos. If you create videos that can go viral, media publications will want to use those videos on their website or in commercials. If your content is licensed, others won't be able to use it without your consent which will make them pay for it.

⭐Perfect for: YouTubers with short videos

What to know about it

💡You get better exposure.

Some licensing website will also promote your videos  on their social channels or the communities they engage in. This will place your videos in front of a bigger audience.

💡It's extremely easy to try.

This is maybe the easiest way on how to make money on YouTube videos without Adsense. All you need are some short videos either with humor, cute stuff, animals or with recordings which raise curiosity.

💡It's a chance for passive income.

Even if you don't create videos for the sole purpose to license them, you may be having short, funny videos, or cute recording of your pets. You can submit the links to those videos on a licensing site in a matter of minutes. Your videos will then be uploaded without any action on your part required. If people are interested in the videos, they'll license from the website and you'll receive the money in your PayPal account.

💡You won't see lots of money.

While it's hard to tell how much money you can get by licensing your videos because it depends on how many sales you get and you also get money from monetization, there's not a huge amount of money. You're able to score more money if you make viral content, but don't expect to get rich. However, it's an easy way to make money.

How to make it happen

▶ If you want to sell, you have to know what sells.

While you can license any video you create and hope that someone will want to buy it, if you really want to make money on YouTube by licensing, you'll want to take a look at what kind of video content media pays for.

▶ License your videos.

Head over to a website like Jukin Media and start licensing your videos. All you have to do is register and submit your videos. From there, media publications will come to the website, search for the type of content they want, and if they like your videos, they'll buy them.

This is how licensed YouTube videos show on Jukin Media.

Get paid for a spot in end cards

Youtubers are always looking for ways to promote their channel. One of those ways is by having a link to their channel posted in an end card on someone else's video. This approach is not so popular. I've actually come across a single YouTuber that talks about his experience with renting links on YouTube, and he was offered between $150-500/month to promote links on his ranked videos.

⭐Perfect for: Any YouTuber with a decent following

What to know about it

💡Youtubers you promote must be relevant.

Although there are YouTubers willing to pay you for promotions even if their videos are not related to yours in any way, it's best to pass on this opportunity. Sharing irrelevant things with your audience will make them lose trust in the quality of resources you have to offer.

💡If you have enough subscribers, people will come to you.

It's not uncommon for YouTubers with a great base of subscribers to receive inquiries about promoting in their end cards.

💡It may be pretty hard to find people yourself.

Like I said above, people will come to you when your channel will grow. Until then, if you want to benefit from this approach, you have to find interested YouTubers by yourself. While this is an easy way to monetize YouTube videos, it can turn out to be time-consuming if you're running after opportunities.

💡It's not the best way to make money on YouTube.

While you can benefit from the extra money you can make from selling space on your end cards when you have a big channel, it may not worth the time invested into chasing down opportunities. It's up to you and how much time you have on hand.

How to make it happen

▶ Find relevant, smaller channels.

Look up for YouTube channels related to your niche that have a smaller audience than you do. Once you find a couple of YouTubers, pitch them with an offer. Make sure to let them know a bit about your audience and how they can benefit from being featured in your video.

▶ For better chances, be patient.

To enhance the chances for your pitch to work, it's best to not jump right into it. Try to create a genuine connection with the other YouTuber before you try to sell him/her. Share his content, comment on his videos, and make him notice you prior to sending him a message. You'll get better chances at convincing him.

▶ Focus to make your videos rank.

If your videos are nowhere to be found in search results, why would someone pay to be featured in your videos? Learn how to properly optimize your videos for high ranking so you grow your channel and make people notice you.

You can make money by renting the space in the end cards to promote other YouTube channels.


After you went through all these ways to make money on YouTube without Google Adsense, I hope you now got a better idea of what opportunities you have.

There's no universal best way to make money on YouTube.

How profitable an idea may be for your YouTube channel depends on a variety of aspects like:

what niche you're inwhat you are more skilled towards (teaching, showing, joking, selling, inspiring)how much time you have on handhow big your channel is

As a beginner, you first need to grow your channel to a decent following before you start making money on YouTube. Upload quality content on a regular basis and once you start seeing some traction, implement one of these ways to earn money from YouTube without Adsense.

Don't jump into doing all of them at once. Pick one, learn how to properly benefit from it, and grow from there.